Snippet: Changes are Happening Quickly – Don’t be Left Behind


Changes are Happening Quickly – Don’t be Left Behind

As always, we are forced to keep a vigilant eye on the happenings in Washington DC. Current White House proposals seek to increase capital gains taxes and eliminate the opportunity for 1031 exchanges. Fed policy, in pursuit of taming inflation, has eroded trillions of dollars of asset values. And the post-COVID economy has produced distinct categories of winners and losers in the real estate market.

With all this change happening, it is important that we get together to discuss how these factors may impact our decisions to keep, sell or exchange our rental properties. Please join us on our next webinar!


This is for informational purposes only. Securities offered through Concorde Investment Services, LLC (CIS), member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Concorde Asset Management, LLC (CAM), an SEC-registered investment adviser. 1031 Capital Solutions is independent of CIS and CAM.

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